Embracing the Future: The Rise of Transformers in Machine Learning, Farewell to LSTM


Over the past 12 months, the landscape of natural language processing (NLP) has undergone a significant transformation, marked by the rise of Transformers. This discussion delves into the background of NLP, explores conventional methods like bag-of-words and n-grams, examines challenges faced by recurrent neural networks (RNNs) such as vanishing and exploding gradients, and observes the trajectory of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). The focus then turns to the revolutionary impact of Transformers, introducing key innovations like multi-headed attention and positional encoding.

Background on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Sequence Modeling

NLP, a subset of supervised learning, entails predicting specific outputs for input documents. The challenge lies in representing variable-length documents as fixed-size vectors. Traditional methods like the bag of words and n-grams offer solutions, albeit with inherent limitations.

Classic Approaches: Bag of Words and N-grams

While widely used, the bag-of-words model falls short in capturing the sequential importance of words in a document. N-grams present a potential solution, but challenges arise due to increased dimensionality.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Vanishing/Exploding Gradients

RNNs present a promising solution for sequence modeling. However, the hindrance of vanishing and exploding gradients affects their effectiveness, particularly with longer sequences.

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks

LSTM emerged as an enhancement over vanilla RNNs, addressing the vanishing gradients issue. Challenges persisted, making LSTMs challenging to train and limiting their effectiveness for transfer learning.

The Rise and Fall of LSTM

Despite a surge in popularity, LSTM faced challenges such as long gradient paths and unreliable transfer learning capabilities. The torch then passed to Transformers.

Introduction to Transformers

Transformers, introduced approximately 2.5 years ago, revolutionized machine translation with their attention mechanism. Multi-headed attention and positional encoding are the foundation of Transformer architecture, providing interpretability and overcoming the limitations of the bag-of-words model.

Multi-Headed Attention Mechanism

The attention mechanism, utilizing query and key vectors, facilitates contextual understanding. Multi-headed attention enables the model to concurrently focus on different aspects, enhancing flexibility in processing documents.

Positional Encoding in Transformers

Inspired by Fourier theory, positional encoding enables the model to comprehend the relative positions of tokens in a document. This innovation distinguishes Transformers from traditional bag-of-words models, providing a crucial contextual element.

Advantages of Transformers

Transformers demonstrate computational efficiency, thanks to the parallelism of GPUs. Additionally, the absence of activation function issues simplifies training, making them an appealing choice for practitioners.

Applying Transformers in Code

For practical implementation, consider utilizing the Hugging Face Transformer package. Fine-tuning a BERT model becomes a straightforward process with just a few lines of code.

Reuse and Fine-Tuning of Pre-trained Models

The era of large-scale pre-trained models like Megatron and RoBERTa has commenced, enabling researchers to leverage extensive training efforts. The reuse and fine-tuning of these models mark a shift towards efficiency and collaboration.

Leveraging Global Language Understanding

Models trained on extensive datasets across multiple languages, such as RoBERTa, bring global language understanding within reach. The transformative impact of these models transcends the limitations of earlier approaches.

Key Advantages of Transformers

Beyond the ease of training and computational efficiency, Transformers empower practitioners to build upon the work of others, fostering a collaborative and accessible environment for language understanding on a global scale.


In conclusion, the journey from traditional NLP approaches to the dominance of Transformers signifies a paradigm shift in the field. The efficiency, interpretability, and collaborative potential of Transformers open new horizons for natural language processing. The ability to leverage pre-trained models and understand global languages exemplify the transformative impact of these models.


  1. Can Transformers be used for languages other than English?
  • Yes, Transformers like RoBERTa are trained on diverse datasets, making them proficient in multiple languages.
  1. How does positional encoding work in Transformers?
  • Positional encoding incorporates sine and cosine functions into word embeddings, enabling the model to understand the relative positions of tokens.
  1. What advantages do Transformers offer over traditional approaches like LSTMs?
  • Transformers are computationally efficient, address vanishing/exploding gradients, and allow for easy reuse and fine-tuning of pre-trained models.
  1. How does multi-headed attention enhance the capabilities of Transformers?
  • Multi-headed attention enables the model to focus on different aspects simultaneously, providing flexibility in processing documents.
  1. Is fine-tuning a pre-trained model a common practice in NLP?
  • Yes, fine-tuning pre-trained models like BERT or RoBERTa is a common practice, allowing practitioners to adapt models to specific tasks with minimal effort.