Mastering Pantic: A Seamless Transition from V1 to V2

Embarking on the Pantic V2 journey promises not just syntax shifts but a richer coding experience. Released in June 2023, Pantic V2 introduces changes that demand attention. Let’s delve into the nuances of migration, understanding the new features and ensuring developers sail through this upgrade effortlessly.


Embarking on the journey from Pantic version 1 to version 2 unveils a world of possibilities. June 2023 witnessed the release of Pantic V2, not merely an update but an evolution in coding practices.

Migration Tools

Navigating this shift involves employing migration tools. Pantic offers a robust guide on GitHub and introduces “Bump Pantic,” a beta migration tool. While tools streamline the process, some developers prefer the hands-on approach for a deeper understanding.

Deserializing Data

  1. Method Name Shifts: V2 brings changes in deserialization. For instance, the once-familiar pass_object and pass_raw methods in V1 are replaced with model_validate and model_validate_json in V2.
   # Pantic V1

   # Pantic V2

Serializing Data

  1. Method Name Adjustments: Serialization witnesses method name shifts too. Embrace model_dump_json and model_dump instead of the older json and dict methods.
   # Pantic V1

   # Pantic V2

Configuring Models

  1. Structural Adaptation: Configuring models takes a different route in V2. Move from the nested class approach in V1 to utilizing the extra attribute of the class itself. Despite changes, configurations like population by field name, alias generation, and handling extra fields persist.
   # Pantic V1
   class NestedModel:
       class Config:
           extra = "allow"
   # Pantic V2
   class Config:
       extra = "allow"

Complex Field Types

  1. Streamlined Approach: V2 streamlines handling complex field types. While some types like con_list remain, others, including integer constraints, evolve. Positive integers and annotated types take center stage for custom constraints.
   # Pantic V1

   # Pantic V2
   conint(gt=0, strict=True)

Custom Validators

  1. @field_validator Decorator: Bid farewell to the @validator decorator of V1. V2 introduces the @field_validator decorator, emphasizing its role as a field validator. The transition is smooth, yet the impact is profound.
   # Pantic V1
   def custom_validator(cls, value):
       # validation logic

   # Pantic V2
   def custom_validator(cls, value):
       # validation logic


Migrating from Pantic V1 to V2 is not just about adapting to changes; it’s about embracing a more potent coding experience. Understanding alterations in method names, model configurations, and the introduction of annotated types ensures a seamless transition for developers.

Validators and Annotated Types in Pantic V2

Pantic V2 revolutionizes validation with annotated types and diverse validators. The ability to create reusable annotated types with attached validators simplifies code organization. Let’s dive deeper into this evolution.

Validator Types

Pantic V2 offers a spectrum of validator types, each serving a distinct purpose:

  • After Validator: Executes after Pantic’s internal passing and validation.
  • Before Validator: Runs before Pantic’s internal passing and validation.
  • Plain Validator: Similar to the before validator but halts processing immediately if validation fails.
  • Wrap Validator: The most versatile, enabling validation code both before and after Pantic’s internal custom validators.

Validator Execution Order

Utilizing multiple validators for the same type is a possibility in Pantic V2. The execution order, dependent on whether they are after, before, or wrap validators, is crucial for effective validation. A well-orchestrated sequence ensures robust validation processes.

Transition from V1 to V2

The transition involves creating annotated types with attached validators. Let’s delve into a practical example, creating an annotated string type with an after validator for hashtag validation. The process encompasses defining a validation function and seamlessly attaching it to the annotated type.

Before and After Validation

Understanding the nuances of before and after validation is pivotal. A tutorial walks through the difference using a radius field, showcasing how the order of execution influences the validation process, impacting error reporting and handling.

Multifield Custom Validators

Pantic V2 continues supporting multifield custom validators with a refined approach. The tutorial sheds light on validating vertices based on the polygon type, emphasizing the shift from a dictionary-based approach to utilizing the new validation info object.

Model JSON Schema Generation

Generating a model’s JSON schema in V2 takes a more straightforward route. No longer confined to a JSON string, Pantic V2 provides the schema as a dictionary. The tutorial guides through the process of generating a JSON schema and converting it to a string for simplified handling.


Pantic V2 introduces enhanced validation capabilities, fostering a more structured and reusable coding approach. This tutorial comprehensively covers key aspects of the transition, ensuring developers seamlessly adapt to the latest version’s innovative features.

FAQs: Navigating the Pantic V2 Transition

  1. Is manual migration recommended over using the migration tool?
  • Both approaches are valid. While the migration tool offers convenience, manual migration provides a deeper understanding of the process.
  1. How does Pantic V2 handle complex field types differently?
  • V2 streamlines the approach, introducing positive integers and annotated types for custom constraints.
  1. Are custom validators completely deprecated in V2?
  • Custom validators shift from the @validator decorator to the @field_validator decorator in V2, ensuring a smooth transition.
  1. What changes in model configuration should developers be aware of?
  • Model configurations in V2 shift from the nested class approach to utilizing the extra attribute of the class itself.
  1. How does Pantic V2 enhance JSON schema generation?
  • V2 provides the model’s JSON schema as a dictionary, simplifying handling and offering a more programmatic approach.
  1. Can developers still use multifield custom validators in Pantic V2?
  • Yes, Pantic V2 continues to support multifield custom validators, albeit with some refinements, emphasizing the use of the new validation info object.